TKD LifeCycle Management – More time for your business

Save your partner for mobile management with TKD LifeCycle Management!

LifeCycle Management Service

The 360° mobile concept of TKD supports, in all stages of mobile device management.

Encourage the emergence of new resources by mastering the challenging management, of smart devices by TKD.


We support the entire process of your IT asset management, with TKD’s Mobile LifeCycle Management, – from procurement, through distribution and management of mobile devices, to buyback.

Consulting – LifeCycle Management

The outsourcing of a mobile fleet is unavoidable due to the increasing demands on the devices. But how can such a change be implemented?

TKD accompanies, with trained LifeCycle experts, from the beginning of the idea of LifeCycle integration. In more than 7 years of experience with well over 1000 companies, we have worked out the most important challenges of LifeCycle Integration for you and can now implement them individually to your company needs.

With a sustainable and effective concept, our LifeCycle experts realize the changeover in your company and create new resources.

Effort calculator

With the TKD effort calculator, you can easily and quickly calculate how much effort it will take to independently manage your fleet.

Which processes do you manage internally?

Damage and repair

On - Offboarding

Procurement and Staging

Your effort costs for the independent management of devices over months cause an average of hours.
With TKD LifeCycle Management you can reduce your effort by % and create new resources for essential projects.


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